Are you interested in working together?
Please read these guidelines.
If you would like us to consider your nonfiction book project, please submit your project in Query Manager at (Currently, we are CLOSED until at least February 2025.)
If you don't already use it, Query Manager is a service for writers seeking agents. You may wonder why not just email your query directly rather than go through the hoops of another website. Let us explain. First, when you hit send on Query Manager, you will have confidence that your message did indeed reach its destination and didn't get lost in the ether or spam folder. Second, like many agents, we don't respond to email queries if the project isn't a match, whereas on Query Manager we aim to give a thumbs up or down to nearly every project. Third, because it helps manage the flow, we can cut the response time so you know within weeks. There is zero cost for you to use Query Manager. WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO USE IT. If you want to query us directly, the address is [email protected]. If you don't hear back from us in a month, please assume it's not a match. You do not need to query or submit materials to us exclusively. If we requested additional reading material from you, and you receive an offer of representation from another agent while we are still reviewing it, we would appreciate you letting us know. Thank you for your interest in working with us and good luck with the querying process. |
(Not a stock photo. This photo was of the side of my desk.)
We are interested in the wide range of nonfiction, especially reported narrative, current events, business, science, health, and self-help. Please consider recent deals and books as a loose guide to the kinds of projects that may be of interest but if you're unsure (and it's nonfiction), just try us. Please note the only fiction projects we consider are from current clients.